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Road Closure

14 January 2022

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Road Closure 2022 01 17 NA Plan C455 Sandy Lane37686

Highways is planning to cut back the declining Ash trees to ground level along C455 Sandy Lane, Barham
(from Barham Bridleway 003 to Hemingstone Footpath 002).
The works are programmed to take place between 17 and 18 January 2022,
working between 8.30am and 4pm each day.
The road will be closed to ensure that we can carry out our works safely.

For the duration of the road closure, traffic will be diverted via Sandy Hill, Sandy Lane, B1078,
A140, A14, Old Norwich Road, Norwich Road, Sandy Lane and vice versa.

As we plan roadworks in advance, we schedule extra days to allow for bad weather or other delays beyond
our control. If we need to make major changes to our work dates, we will update the information signs on site.